Hard Surface Disinfection is What We Do.

Commercial Facility Disinfection.
Our Effective Commercial Disinfecting Protocol
Germ Assault offers 24/7 decontamination and infectious disease cleaning services, we can even disinfect overnight if necessary while your facility is vacant.
Our technicians utilize full PPE, adhering to strict decontamination procedures between applications.
Germ Assault uses products that are authorized by the US EPA as disinfectants that may be used to combat the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) on hard, non-porous surfaces.
We will apply our non-bleach, hospital grade liquid disinfectant on all applicable hard surfaces using mist/electrostatic sprayers, ensuring required dwell times are met.
Wipe down of high touch areas (doorknobs, handles, faucets, keyboards, etc)
Proper disposal of all cleaning materials.
Effective Coronavirus Mitigation, Who Can Use Our Service?
Healthcare Facilities;
Hospitals, nursing homes, medical and dental offices and clinics, healthcare facilities, physician offices, operating rooms/theaters, radiology rooms, isolation wards, quarantine areas, hospices, medical research facilities, washing areas, ICU areas, autopsy rooms, acute care institutions, alternate care institutions, home healthcare institutions, sick rooms
Life care retirement communities, elder care centers, elder care facilities
Patient care rooms & facilities, recovery rooms, emergency rooms, x-ray cat labs, exam rooms, newborn nurseries, neonatal units,
orthopedics, respiratory therapy, surgical centers, out-patient surgical centers, labs, blood collection rooms, central supply, housekeeping & janitorial rooms, ophthalmic/optometric facilities
Transportation Services;
Airline, bus, and train terminals
Automobiles, cars, trucks, campers, RVs, trailers, automotive garages, auto repair centers
Buses, public transportation, trains, taxis, airplanes, helicopters
Delivery trucks, garbage trucks, maintenance vehicles
Emergency vehicles, ambulances, police cars, fire trucks
Public Facilities
Police stations, crime scenes, courthouses, correctional facilities, municipal government buildings, prisons, jails, penitentiaries, correctional institutions
Public Welcome Centers and Rest Stops
Recycling centers
EMS & fire facilities
Business and Office Spaces
Athletic facilities, locker rooms, exercise rooms, exercise facilities, gyms, gymnasiums, field houses
Banks, churches, libraries, post offices
Businesses, office buildings, workstations, break rooms, public restrooms, housekeeping, janitorial rooms
Campgrounds, playgrounds, recreational facilities, picnic facilities
Day care centers, nurseries, kindergartens, and preschools
Funeral homes, morgues, mortuaries, burial vaults, mausoleums, cadaver processing areas
Hotels, motels
Performance/theater centers, movie theaters, bowling alleys
Restaurants, bars, kitchens, taverns, cafeterias, institutional kitchens, fast food operations, food storage areas, catering, bakeries
Schools, colleges, dormitories, classrooms, community colleges, universities
Supermarkets, convenience stores, retail and wholesale establishments, department stores, shopping malls, gift shops, video stores,
Veterinary, veterinary clinics, animal life science laboratories, animal laboratories, animal research centers, animal quarantine areas
Food Production
Dairy, equine, poultry/turkey farms
Farmhouses, barns, sheds, tool sheds, {cattle} {swine} {sheep} {horse} barns, pens and stalls, swine quarters, livestock farms, equine quarters, brooder houses, seed houses and veal, calving, hog, cattle and horse operations, chick vans, egg trucks, hatchery and farm vehicles.
Federally inspected meat and poultry plants
Food processing plants, USDA inspected food-processing facilities, federally inspected meat and poultry plants, egg processing plants, poultry and turkey farms, farms, dairy farms, hog farms, meat/poultry processing plants, rendering plants, poultry and animal dressing plants, canneries, meat packing plants, hide and leather processing plants

Coming Soon!
Germ Assault is looking to add residential service as our capacity grows.